Reservations in India..Boon or Bane ?

                                        Reservations in India..Boon or Bane ? 


Reservations in India have been the bane for the aspirations of the meritocractic hopes in the abilities of youth from any caste or religion.They were initiated by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar  to bring in social justice and reduce the divide between haves and havenots and it was supposed to be implemented for 25 years post India's Republic. We got it on 26th Jan 1950, add 25 years to it , circa 1975...What was the scenario then in India? 

Indira Khan Gandhi and Sanjay Khan Gandhi imposed emergency and the socio political inequality that pervaded is still on in 2017. Have reservations succeeded ? The answer is no . Reservations became political tool for appeasement and Ambedkar started being seen as caste based leader rather than as an intellectual, hardworking , social scientist  who wrote one of the greatest books in modern history , namely Indian Constitution,This was the best combination of the Capitalist and Communist economies  and coining a new word socialist economy. 

Till date reservations have been abused by the majority and have not reached those whom it should have reached due to lack of accessibility to educational tools.Reservations should be given once in a lifetime and once for a generation , it cannot be passed to next generations as a legacy and that too it should be given to people from all castes and religions who come from economically deprived strata of society and are classified as Below the Poverty line [ BPL] families.This should be interlinked to the strategic interests the youth from MED -Meritocratic Economically Deprived families. They should provide their Aadhar card, Pan Card, Ration card and all linked to their savings account.This will reign in accountability and transparency in economic packages announced by Central and State Governments. There should be uniform MED Reservation policy from Central government and state governments should not have any role in tampering with them. 33% RESERVATIONS to MED and remove rest all BC SC ST and women  reservations [gender equality please] .These 33% reservations will be authenticated and validated by district collectors only .MEDF certificate issued can be availed to job entry levels and not for job promotions in government sector. Need to remove reservations  for any form of promotion in government jobs. 

The words which have harmed the BC SC ST communities were Dalit , Bahujan , Weaker sections and Harijan. Why classify ? Isn't this Racism of the highest order ?  How can somebody born in a certain caste or religion gets automatic extra edge in competing for government jobs? If that is so , All government employees, MLA's MPs etc  should admit their children only in government schools and get their health treatments in Government Hospitals only and any of them avail from private sector they should lose all perks for the rest of their life..

Its time youth from BC SC ST stop calling themselves weaker sections and compete as EQUAL among st Equals and not as weaker sections in any arena. A Muslim bowler cannot tell his BC SC ST Batsman not to hit him for a six or four as he belongs to minority or BC SC ST batsman cannot be bowled thrice for actual once.This inequality ,when it is not there in sports and games , why bring it in all sectors and ruin the meritocracy bound youth aspirations ? Its time narrow minded political think tank stop dividing the nation on caste and religion based lines and understand the changing Indian Youth aspirations and start focusing to create a merit based level playing field for all.Time to do away with Fee Reimbursements and waiver of crop loans , everything needs accountability. No Political party should be given any power in their manifesto itself to tamper with banking norms and regulations and this needs to be brainwashed properly into the mindset of filthy political brains and make their accounts , IT returns public and punishable under law. 

Humble Request to all BC SC ST youth....Fight Like an Equal.. Fight Like a Champion ..

An Indian First and always..
Ashwin Nallari Naidu 
